Easter Funday – Good Shepherd Appeal

A reminder that tomorrow is Easter funday! This is a KS1 fundraiser for reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. The children are invited to come to school in non-uniform and to bring an extra treat for our movie afternoon. Donations can be made on parentpay.

Thank you!


Tomorrow the year 3 and year 3/4 classes are raising money by holding a competition to guess the name of the unicorn. It is 50p a go, if your child would like to have a go could they please bring money in. Can any money brought into school be in an envelope or wallet to keep it safe please? Thank you

Sale tomorrow…

I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow we have been invited to the Y6 sale in the school hall so your child might want to bring a small amount of money to purchase something. Please can they bring their money in a small plastic bag or wallet/purse. The sale will include games, books, toys, treats.

Thank you

Some things to note …

Tuesday – we have been invited to the Y6 sale in the school hall so your child might want to bring a small amount of money to purchase something. Please can they bring their money in a small plastic bag or wallet/purse. The sale will include games, books, toys, treats.

Wednesday – PE day as usual. 

Thursday – Good Shepherd Fund raising – Easter funday! We have invited the children to come in non-uniform and bring extra treats for our movie afternoon. Donations can be made on parentpay. 

We break up on Thursday for the Easter holiday.

History Topic – toys

This term in KS1, we are discussing what childhood was like for our parents and grandparents, with a focus on toys and games that were popular in the past. We will compare and discuss similarities and differences between toys from the past and present. 

If possible, we would love to welcome any parents or grandparents into school to share and discuss some of the toys that they played with as a child. This would ideally be on the afternoon of Thursday 21st March. If you would like to come into school as a volunteer, please speak to Mrs Corcoran or email enquiries@stwilfridssheffield.co.uk.

Thank you very much! 

Phonics Information meeting

Information from our phonics meeting:

In our phonics meeting we discussed reading fluency and the phonics screen test that the children will take in June. 


In school, we are building on children’s reading fluency by reading the same book three times during the week. Fluency involves being able to read at speed with little sounding out and adding expression to their voice. The first time the children read the book the focus is on accuracy, the second building fluency and the third expression and comprehension. It would be great if your child could read their phonics book at home several times to continue to work on this. 

There are a few activities that you can do at home to help build on your child’s speed of reading. Practicing the speedy green words at the back of the book and red words at the front will both help with this. The speedy green words are the words we ask children to read in their head and we practice a few times so that they can read them on sight. The red words are tricky words that don’t follow the common sounds the children have learnt. We tell the children what these words say and practice them until they are familiar with them.

Phonics Screen 

The phonics screen is a national reading test that all children in Year 1 take at the end of the year. The test checks children can read sounds within words accurately. There are 40 words, 20 real and 20 alien/nonsense words. It contains nonsense words to check children have the skills to be able to read any unfamiliar word that they come across. 

The children are not aware that it is a test and are just asked to read like they normally would. They are familiar with reading alien words as part of our phonic lessons. Extra support is put in place for any child that needs it and you will be informed of this. If you’re child doesn’t pass the screen, further support will be offered to them going into Year 2 and they will have another opportunity to take it again. 

We will send home practice sheets for your child to try at home. When reading these we ask the children to ‘spot the special friends, Fred talk, read the word’. This is to help them spot the sounds we have been learning and they are less likely to make mistakes if they sound each word out. 

If you want any further information or have any questions, please let us know.